Lean Innovation Intrapreneurship Program

A three- to four-week program that teaches user-centricity, business model innovation, and change skills to your internal innovation teams

What it is

The »Lean Innovation Intrapreneurship Program« is a three-week (twelve to fifteen days) learning experience on customer-centric and experiment-driven business model innovation. Participants will learn to develop a product or service innovation with the help of customer discovery and how to create and validate a business model around it (‘Business R&D’).

Besides learning the most important theories and practical methods from design thinking and Lean Startup, participants will also reflect on what this kind of ‘agile’ working means for their innovation practice. Eventually, they will also learn about state-of-the-art innovation management and how to create the right environment (org culture, structure and processes) to make human-centric teamwork and business model innovation thrive.

Why it is needed

The innovation practice in most organizations as we encounter them is still very “waterfall-ish”. Furthermore, people struggle to connect the dots between the different agile innovation approaches. Knowledge about the latter often resides with just a few ‘innovation champions’ who are overwhelmed by the demand of training and information-seeking from the rest of the organization as they are busy pushing their own projects through. They also have little didactic skills and have a hard time bringing across what they actually do. We have both, experience from design/innovation practice as well as deep expertise in project-based teaching and learning design.

Why our customers love it

The safe training environment takes out pressure and makes learning a playful, thus more reflective and sustainable, experience. This makes it easier to apply the concepts in your first own projects during or after the course. The program has a core curriculum, which basically consists of our most important masterclasses. It can be complemented with flexible add-in modules, depending on your organization’s needs and the (innovation) maturity of the teams who will join the program.

Possible Variations of the Program

The program can be tailored to your needs. It can also be run in a so-called “Hack and Attack” mode, where we guide your teams (as well as external thinkers and doers from the startup scene) to analyze and attack your business model by coming up with a better one. By the end of the program your teams will present you how they might disrupt your existing core business. They will also show first proof how and why this is possible.

Video Call

Book an initial free consultation. We will be happy to guide you through this program’s details and assess whether it is right for your current situation.

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Some Impressions (Online & IRL)

For whom did we design this course?

Organizations who want to develop their own intrapreneurs, change-makers and digital champions.

Product Managers, Owners and Teams
  • Arrive at and agree on a shared validated product vision in the team
  • Train state-of-the-art design thinking and business design techniques in detail
  • Know how to test assumptions cost-effectively with in-market experiments
  • Streamline the product development process by reducing politics and increasing evidence-driven decision-making
  • Innovation Architects, Catalysts and Coaches
  • Uncover the knowledge and skill-gaps you yourself and your teams have in the organization, which must be addressed in your enablement work
  • Collect your organizations’ innovation barriers from the perspective of your collegaues
  • Learn about tricks and next-practice of how other organizations dissolved such barriers to enable and politics-free, evidence-driven innovation environment
  • General Innovation Professionals
  • Understand the relevance of Business R&D as a complement to the existing Tech R&D function(s) and how it intersects with your work
  • Reflect your role in helping to create such a customer-centric and experiment-driven organization
  • Experience both, the joy and effort, of multi-disciplinary teamwork that breaks silos
  • Innovation Executives
  • Understand how lean/agile product management works and why it requires a different way of managing portfolios and leading teams
  • Reflect on possible inefficiencies of today’s innovation practice in a more informed and qualified way
  • Co-develop with your product and innovation managers a better way of bringing forth the new in your organization
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    Agenda of the week

    The first week is a variant of our Design Thinking Boostcamp adapted for this course. It starts with important theory inputs on the concepts of disruption, (digital) transformation and innovation and ends with an understanding of the role, design thinking plays in all of this. Teams will go through the whole design thinking process and learn how it can be combined with the Value Proposition Canvas and other industry-standard tools.

    Cognitive Learning Goals

    Learning in the sense of remembering (knowing, reproducing) knowledge and expanding intellectual abilities and skills → e.g. ‘human- centred mindset’.

    • Understand the importance of thinking human-centric for today’s digital world and what role it plays in corporate transformations
    • Be able to differentiate between classic ‘Tech R&D’ and ‘Business R&D’
    • Understand the value of iterative working and co- creation with customers
    • Know the differences of problem and solution space and which methods help explore them

    Affective Learning Goals

    Learning in the area of feelings and evaluations, of attitudes and convictions; refers to changes in interests, to the willingness to do or think something → e.g. ‘creative confidence

    • Get acquainted to and learn to value the the working and reflection (in action) modi of designers
    • Feel the pressure, satisfaction, and usefulness of working time-boxed and iteratively in a sprint
    • Reflect ones own current thinking biases, artificially narrowed-down points of view and ‘professional damages’, which prevent discovering innovation opportunities

    Competence-based Learning Goals

    Learning in the field of acquirable skills, some of which are also visible; mental abilities and skills, e.g. manual and technical skills → e.g. ‘qualitative interviews’.

    • Learn a first customer interview and user testing 101
    • Design value propositions with the help of rapid prototyping, testing, and iteration; co-evolve and design prototypes by using the Value Proposition Canvas
    • Design (thinking) method basics: Charette, Persona, Jobs-to-be-done, Journey Map, Affinity Diagrams, ‘How Might We’ question storming/ brainstorming and ideation techniques, prototyping and testing techniques, and many more.

    This week is a variant of our Business Design Masterclass, where the concepts like Customer Development, Solution Validation, and Business Design will be taught. Teams here will learn the 101 of business model innovation in a Lean startup mode. We will use two main frameworks: Value Flow Mapping for Ecosystem Design and the famous Business Model Canvas.

    Cognitive Learning Goals

    Learning in the sense of remembering (knowing, reproducing) knowledge and expanding intellectual abilities and skills → e.g. ‘human-centred mindset’.

    • Recollect the importance of business model innovation (BMI)/Business R&D as a necessary complement to Tech R&D
    • Understand hypothesis- and data-driven risk minimization (build — measure — learn)
    • Understand the network mechanics of ecosystems (design) and their power for BMI
    • Differentiate traditional ‘project KPIs’ and metrics for innovation (Innovation Accounting)

    Affective Learning Goals

    Learning in the area of feelings and evaluations, of attitudes and convictions; refers to changes in interests, to the willingness to do or think something → e.g. ‘creative confidence

    • Get comfortable with and understand better the “fake it till you make it” attitude of lean entrepreneurs
    • Understand the mantra “don’t ask for permissions, ask for forgiveness” better
    • Discover the myths and subtleties of ‘smart failure’ and when the latter really is allowed
    • Value the hard work and creativity behind a (startup) culture of experimentation

    Competence-based Learning Goals

    Learning in the field of acquirable skills, some of which are also visible; mental abilities and skills, e.g. manual and technical skills → e.g. ‘qualitative interviews’.

    • Design business models with the Business Model Canvas and the Value Flow Map Framework
    • Use business model mechanics and revenue model pattern to make their design more resilient
    • Learn how to use Assumption Mapping and Lean Experiment Maps to validate business designs
    • Know how to derive hypotheses and design tests with the help of a Lean Experiment Library and ‘metrics that matter’
    • Get introduced to first digital lean prototyping tools

    At this point, the teams have a validated product vision and are ready to deploy developers and other implementation roles to their project. The week is therefore under the banner of agile project management with Scrum. Contents are:

    Intro to Agile 
Project Management

    • History and overview 
of agile (software) development approaches
    • The core ideas of Scrum
    • Classic product management vs. Scrum
    • The ‘role of roles’ in Scrum
    • The anatomy and origin of a validated product vision
    • How to define a product from a user’s perspective »intro to User Story Mapping

    User Story Mapping

    • Exercise: Slicing the product with User Story Mapping
    • Cutting the work: roadmapping, product backlog, effort estimation, measuring progress, etc.
    • People management: types of stakeholders, how to align their interests and shield the team
    • Product Owner’s 
decision making

    Sprint Planning and Learning Cycles

    • Requirement handling: prioritization techniques, differentiating types of requirements (bugs, features, etc.), managing dependencies
    • Sprints in agile project work: Scrum sprints (if applicable: Research/Design Sprints), sprint meetings, etc.
    • Sprint Review How-to: inspecting product increments, how to deal with feedback, etc.

    This week’s content is an adaptation of the Innovation System Design Masterclass. It introduces participants to the concepts and requirements from an organization design perspective to make a lean innovation culture thrive. We will also reflect on what it means to be an agent of change and what leadership looks like in such an evidence-driven working environment. We will also develop a language capability on important change and transformation theories and concepts that are helpful to know. It is advisable that top management attends this week too or receives the same training separately.

    Cognitive Learning Goals

    Learning in the sense of remembering (knowing, reproducing) knowledge and expanding intellectual abilities and skills → e.g. ‘human- centered mindset’.

    • Understand the dynamics of ‚Organizational Ambidexterity‘ and ‚Dual Transformation’
    • Know the role of an differentiated portfolio, process, and talent management across a ‚playing fields‘ model
    • Be able to differentiate types of innovation
    • Know the components of an innovation strategy and how to create an ‘innovation culture’
    • Understand the concepts of innovation vehicles and pathways

    Affective Learning Goals

    Learning in the area of feelings and evaluations, of attitudes and convictions; refers to changes in interests, to the willingness to do or think something → e.g. ‘creative confidence

    • Gain more empathy for colleagues who have to do exploration-oriented work (pirates) and vice versa: understand the constraints of people in the core organization (navy)
    • Get inspired by proven ways on how to bridge the gap between the two ‘operating systems’ for possible adaptation
    • Retrace via case studies what big a role iterative change plays in ‘transformation’ work
    • Get inspiration for a (re)design of own innovation vehicles

    Competence-based Learning Goals

    Learning in the field of acquirable skills, some of which are also visible; mental abilities and skills, e.g. manual and technical skills → e.g. ‘qualitative interviews’.

    • Be able to describe and differentiate contemporary agile innovation approaches like Design Thinking, Lean Startup, SCRUM/Kanban and their roles for corporate innovation
    • Reflect and check through own organization’s innovation strategy components; be able to find gaps and blind spots
    • Become aware of better collaboration opportunities between programs and vehicles internally

    How we balanced the design of this course:

    • Theory
    • Doing/Experimentation
    • Case Studies/Peer Learning
    • Reflection/Discussion

    What's in the package?

    120 Hours World-Class Content

    This is our flagship program. We condensed 120 hours of the knowledge of our last 15 years of project and teaching work into it to enable teams in their entrepreneurial journey.

    Tailored Supporting Program

    Together with you, we will tailor a supporting program that will also meet additional (business, org change, etc.) goals other than just the above-mentioned team learning goals.

    Intrapreneurship Culture Kickstart

    You innovators will be highly energized and knowledgeable after having gone through this program. You can use this momentum for parallel or follow-up projects.

    Gauge Innovation Readiness

    The employee feedback from the program provides a perfect base to perform a parallelly running innovation readiness assessment to intervene on point for your culture change.

    Uncover Innovation Barriers

    During the program, we uncover and cluster your innovation barriers in a way that you can already address them while the program runs. Employee education and change run in parallel.

    Strengthen Internal Communities

    Participants often hand down what they've learned to their teams or in meet-up groups right away. So both sparks of knowledge and enthusiasm will travel fast across your organization.

    Extensive Learning Materials

    Participants will receive the templates, tools and slides of all of our masterclasses. As such they are perfectly prepared for their project, product, or catalyst work.

    Top-Notch Coaches and Presenters

    Our best and most experienced methodology experts and coaches will guide and accompany the teams in this program. This will be exciting.

    1:1 Team-Coaching

    Regular check-ins with the teams outside of the training days help the participants to apply what they have learned more quickly.

    Next-Level Online Learning

    Our IRL trainings are always full highly interactive team work and experiential learning. That's why it was our ambition to create such a cutting edge experience remotely as well. To do this, we set up a live-streaming studio environment that allows us to create engaging, TV-like interactive learning experiences for you. So, we promise: you won't experience those standard and boring screen-share Zoom or Teams presentations with us.

    Frequently Asked Questions for This Course

    Yes and no. Many of the instruction designs and materials we created for this program also come into use in our co:dify X incubation program (which is this program’s mirror format for creating innovation). In co:dify X a program director and several innovation coaches accompany teams with training and in-project facilitation in validating their business ideas. But the focus here is less on learning and reflection but more on accelerating project work and success. In other words: teams will have way less time to internalize, discuss and reflect upon what they do and barely time to learn about and reflect upon the change work required on an organizational level.

    The best is if we talk about your requirements and wishes in particular. Then we can tell you how realistic we think they are in terms of implementation.

    It depends on what you mean by “digital transformation”. If you mean basic training in the digitization of existing businesses in terms of continuous improvement or some Transformation A only, then the program is not the right one for you.

    If however you also want to strengthen your organization’s ambidexterity and dual operating system, it will be the perfect match for you. Let’s get in touch to discuss this in detail.

    Yes it is. The digital space will — of course — feel different to interacting IRL. But as many teams these days are remote only, or in parts are dispersed around the world, it is a welcome opportunity to get used to this ‘new normal’ of collaboration. We promise: it is also very rewarding and fun to master the details of digital collaboration tools. And you can just copy and paste all the tools and templates we use during the days for your further work. This is very convenient and really speeds up things.

    Tailored to your organization

    All of our courses and trainings are designed with internal innovators in large and mid-sized organizations in mind. We can tailor a version of the “Lean Innovation Intrapreneurship Program" that suits your organizations situation, needs, and industry context.

    For details please get in touch with us.

    Video Call

    Book an initial free consultation. We will be happy to guide you through this program’s details and assess whether it is right for your current situation.

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