Project Challenge Framing Poster

Align your team around a well-framed design thinking challenge. Not too broad, not to narrow, and solution free ...

Framing a design challenge is both a science and an art. To help teams visualize their framing directions, we created this little poster, which complements d.School Stanford’s Challenge Framing Guide.
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“Project Challenge Framing Poster”
What it is

Framing a design challenge is both a science and an art. To help teams visualize their framing directions, we created this little poster, which complements d.School Stanford’s Design Challenge Framing Guide.

For Whom it is

Project teams who want to kick off their design thinking project with a well-framed challenge.

How To use it

It’s self explanatory. Just read d.School Stanford’s guide first, then you’ll understand right away.

Best used with

d.School Stanford’s Design Challenge Framing Guide.