Overcoming the Babylonian Language Confusion around Innovation

Our innovation glossary succinctly summarizes the co:dify view of frequently encountered terms in innovation and change management

Even though we try to use as little jargon as possible, we can’t avoid technical terms in our daily work. It is phrases like “What is the job for which this customer segment hires your solution?” or “What innovation pathways do you provide to your intrapreneurs to validate their ideas?” that sound quite exotic, especially to our new customers. Lean Innovation Management has its own language and many (large) companies are just getting acquainted with it.
Therefore, an important part of our work is to explain to you in a simple way what is hidden behind the often high-flown technical terms and to demystify them a little bit. Over time, however, even we get tired when we are asked for the thousandth time for a conclusive definition of, for example, “Design Thinking” or “MVP”.

Therefore, together with our friends of AspenLabs, we decided to collect our views on frequently asked terminology in a small glossary and make it accessible to everyone. A neat side effect of this is that we also make the schools of thought and innovation philosophies we work by transparent. So everyone can check for themselves if they are willing to follow them when working with us.

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