Lean Innovation Crash Course

Create an innovative business model based on a real world example. Apply methods from Design Thinking and Lean Startup within a safe training playground. Reflect the implications of ‘agile’ innovation work for your own change. Transfer to your own practice.

What it is

This is a condensed teaser course, which we tailored for people and organizations who want to acquaint themselves to agile ways of working, understand their most important teamwork approaches, and then decide “whether this is something for them or not. In the course you will experience how you can develop a product or service innovation with the help of customer discovery and how to create and validate a business model around it (‘Business R&D’). Besides learning the most important theories and practical methods from design thinking and Lean Startup, you will also reflect what this kind of ‘agile’ working means for your future innovation practice. We don’t like the word, but consider it very ‘New Work’-related! Eventually you will also learn some basics about state-of-the-art innovation management and how to create the right environment (org culture, structure and processes) to make such a kind of human-centric and business model innovation thrive.

Why it is needed

Even in 2025, many organizations still lack the knowledge, language and discourse skills, and thus organization-wide buy-in, to make qualified decisions about what kind of agility they actually want and how to embed it. Small paving measures like one-day workshops, theoretical executive presentations by consultants, or conference visits, and startup safaris are of no help either. What decision-makers, product teams and influential stakeholders need is to experience for themselves what it means to innovate in a truly agile way. But in a time frame that is neither too short nor too long. And it is precisely in this area of tension that we have designed this five-day course.

Why our clients love it

It gives a condensed theoretical overview combined with practical trying out. So every participant can experience first hand, what such an other way of working means. This provides a better decision-making basis for assessing whether the agile approaches experienced are also relevant for one’s own organization, and if so, with what priority they should be introduced. Only if you then feel ‘ready for more’, you might dive deeper with our individual masterclasses or our Lean Innovation Intrapreneurship Program.

Video Call

Book an initial free consultation. We will be happy to guide you through this program’s details and assess whether it is right for your current situation.

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Some Impressions (Online & IRL)

For whom did we design this course?

In general, we designed this course for people from organizations of all sizes who need a qualified, yet condensed overview on contemporary agile innovation approaches and how they fit together. It is especially a good start for those organizations who have only little experience with ‘Agility’ so far.

Product Managers, Owners and Teams
  • Experience how to arrive at a shared validated product vision in the team
  • Get to know first design thinking and business design techniques
  • Know how to test assumptions cost-effectively with in-market experiments
  • Streamline the product development process by reducing politics and increasing evidence-driven decision-making
  • Innovation Architects, Catalysts and Coaches
  • Uncover the knowledge and skill-gaps you yourself and your teams have in the organization, which must be addressed in your enablement work or further training
  • Collect your organizations’ innovation barriers from the perspective of your colleagues
  • Learn about tricks and next-practice of how other organizations dissolved such barriers to enable and politics-free, evidence-driven innovation environment
  • General Innovation Professionals
  • Understand the relevance of business innovation as a complement to the existing R&D innovation function(s) and how it intersects with your work
  • Reflect your role in helping to create such an agile, customer-centric and experiment-driven organization
  • Experience both, the joy and effort, of multi-disciplinary teamwork that breaks silos
  • C-Level Executives
  • Understand how lean/agile product management works and why it requires a different way of managing portfolios and leading teams
  • Reflect on possible inefficiencies of today’s innovation practice in a more informed and qualified way
  • Co-develop with your product and innovation managers a better way of bringing forth the new in your organization
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    Agenda of the day

    The first two days are a fast-forward in design thinking. Teams will go through the whole process and learn how it can be combined with the Value Proposition Canvas and other industry-standard tools.

    Preparing the User Research

    • Input and methods introduction: “The 101 of Design Research in Industrial B2B”
    • Planning of the user research

    Field Research and Synthesis

    • Contact with real people for interviews, observation and first experiments
    • Field research debrief
    • Synthesis of the field trip data; reframing of the problem

    Daily Q&A

    The focus of day two is on teams experiencing what it means to iterate towards a solution that might get accepted by both — user and choosers.

    Preparing for Ideation and Prototyping

    • Questionstorming
    • Brainstorming and creativity techniques
    • How to prototype to ideate

    Prototyping and Testing

    • Formulating hypotheses and planning a test setup
    • Prototyping and testing techniques; demos and dry runs
    • Team tests with real users
    • Test debrief and iteration

    Outlook: How to further test a value proposition with quantitative data

    Daily Q&A

    Option: Evening Drinks and Networking Session

    On day three teams switch gear and go from exploration to validation mode where they learn how to use business model thinking and lean experiments to

    • Understand the innovator’s dilemma and digital disruption
    • Realize the importance of business model innovation for corporate innovation
    • Intro to the business model canvas
    • Understand the why, how and what of lean startup
    • Familiarize yourself with assumption mapping
    • Understand hypothesis- and data-driven risk minimization (build-measure-learn)
    • Experience how to de-risk business ideas most effectively
    • Learn the why, how and what of decision-making in pivots
    • Discuss how lean experimentation and business design will impact your daily work

    In day four teams finish their lean experiment(s) and use their validated product vision to simulate how an implementation of their newly discovered business opportunity might look like if they ran in Scrum mode.

    • Historical background, characteristics, core ideas and roles of Scrum
    • Classic product management vs. Scrum
    • Exercises on cutting sprint-ready increments based on the validated product vision
    • Reflections and discussions on team compositions over time
    • Methods: User Journey Mapping, Product Backlog, etc.

    On the last day we reflect the whole journey and discuss the implications for the wider organization if (some) teams work in such a ‘new’ way.

    • Intro to ‚Organizational Ambidexterity‘ and ‚Dual Transformation’
    • Gain more empathy for colleagues who have to do exploration-oriented work (pirates) and vice versa: understand the constraints of people in the core organization (navy)
    • Get inspired by proven ways on how to bridge the gap between the two ‘operating systems’ for possible adaptation
    • Retrace via case studies what big a role iterative change plays in ‘transformation’ work
    • Reflection: What does this ‘new’ way of working mean for us? Do we feel it is relevant to us? What should be our next steps?

    How we balanced the design of this course:

    • Theory
    • Doing/Experimentation
    • Case Studies/Peer Learning
    • Reflection/Discussion

    What's in the package?

Knowedge Activation

    You can refresh your knowledge 
for free with access to our online 
course “Business Agility and Customer Centricity — A Primer”, which is 
included in this package.


    Our support team will do a tech and logistics onboarding session with all participants before the course starts.

    Extensive Learning Materials

    You will receive PDFs of presentations, posters and templates we use in the course.

    Access to Peer-Group Innovation Community

    You will join a protected 
workspace with fellow innovators for knowledge exchange. And if 
you like: also the ones from 
former cohorts.

1:1 Coaching

    If you want, you can make use of a 45 min one-to-one coaching session with one of the facilitators in the weeks after the course.

    Certificate of 

    You will receive an electronic letter and certificate of completion.

    Next-Level Online Learning

    Our IRL trainings are always full highly interactive team work and experiential learning. That's why it was our ambition to create such a cutting edge experience remotely as well. To do this, we set up a live-streaming studio environment that allows us to create engaging, TV-like interactive learning experiences for you. So, we promise: you won't experience those standard and boring screen-share Zoom or Teams presentations with us.

    Frequently Asked Questions for This Course

    We do not recommend this because of its effects on team dynamics. Therefore, this is only possible in exceptional cases. We will consult closely with you in advance on how best to organize this.

    Yes it is. The digital space will — of course — feel different to interacting IRL. But as many teams these days are remote only, or in parts are dispersed around the world, it is a welcome opportunity to get used to this ‘new normal’ of collaboration. We promise: it is also very rewarding and fun to master the details of digital collaboration tools. And you can just copy and paste all the tools and templates we use during the days for your further work. This is very convenient and really speeds up things.

    Tailored to your organization

    All of our courses and trainings are designed with internal innovators in large and mid-sized organizations in mind. We can tailor a version of the “Lean Innovation Crash Course" that suits your organizations situation, needs, and industry context.

    For details please get in touch with us.

    Video Call

    Book an initial free consultation. We will be happy to guide you through this program’s details and assess whether it is right for your current situation.

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