Terms related to »S-D Logic«



The collaborative development of concepts, products and services together with customers, business partners, domain experts, and other stakeholders. [ » read more ]


A complex network or interconnected system of participants collectively generating an output. The ‘whole’ of an ecosystem is more than the ‘sum of its parts’ through network effects. [ » read more ]

Experience Mapping

A method used to visualize and illustrate an individual’s product/service experience as a customer of an organization. [ » read more ]


We follow a very basic formula here: creativity + implementation = innovation. In non-commercial environments, this would be an idea that creates value because it got implemented. In commercial environments, it would be the introduction of something new to the market, or if you will, an invention that is commercialized. [ » read more ]


A specific way to view, comprehend and discuss the world guided by principles and an underlying philosophy. [ » read more ]

Management Innovation

When management subscribes to a new way of thinking and (radically) alters its own decision-making, organizational structures and processes to pave the way for wider organizational change. [ » read more ]


We say: it’s a way of carrying out a particular task, which often comes as a detailed set of step-by-step instructions on what to do. The Oxford Dictionary says: it’s “a particular procedure for accomplishing or approaching something, especially a systematic or established one.” [ » read more ]

Method(ology) Misfit

The application of a methodology or method which was created for a particular context in a situation or environment to which it is poorly adapted to, or not applicable at all. [ » read more ]


A platform is a set of solutions to problems that is made available to the members of an ecosystem through a set of access points or interfaces. [ » read more ]


A customer who simultaneously ‘consumes’ and co-produces the product or service [ » read more ]

Service Design

The application of design thinking to the improvement or creation of services. [ » read more ]


A way of carrying out a particular task. Often comes as a detailed set of step-by-step instructions on what to do. Often used as a synonym for ‘method’. [ » read more ]