What it is
This is a condensed teaser course, which we tailored for people and organizations who want to acquaint themselves to agile ways of working, understand their most important teamwork approaches, and then decide “whether this is something for them or not”. In the course you will experience how you can develop a product or service innovation with the help of customer discovery and how to create and validate a business model around it (‘Business R&D’). Besides learning the most important theories and practical methods from design thinking and Lean Startup, you will also reflect what this kind of ‘agile’ working means for your future innovation practice. We don’t like the word, but consider it very ‘New Work’-related! Eventually you will also learn some basics about state-of-the-art innovation management and how to create the right environment (org culture, structure and processes) to make such a kind of human-centric and business model innovation thrive.
Why it is needed
Even in 2025, many organizations still lack the knowledge, language and discourse skills, and thus organization-wide buy-in, to make qualified decisions about what kind of agility they actually want and how to embed it. Small paving measures like one-day workshops, theoretical executive presentations by consultants, or conference visits, and startup safaris are of no help either. What decision-makers, product teams and influential stakeholders need is to experience for themselves what it means to innovate in a truly agile way. But in a time frame that is neither too short nor too long. And it is precisely in this area of tension that we have designed this five-day course.
Why our clients love it
It gives a condensed theoretical overview combined with practical trying out. So every participant can experience first hand, what such an other way of working means. This provides a better decision-making basis for assessing whether the agile approaches experienced are also relevant for one’s own organization, and if so, with what priority they should be introduced. Only if you then feel ‘ready for more’, you might dive deeper with our individual masterclasses or our Lean Innovation Intrapreneurship Program.
Book an initial free consultation. We will be happy to guide you through this program’s details and assess whether it is right for your current situation.
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