The Innovation Villagers

The wondrous character world of corporate innovators

Reality writes the best stories. And sometimes, it is even wackier than any parody. In our (innovation) professional lives, we have gotten to know many “unusual” characters. After a while — depending on the role — their appearance and behavior repeat themselves, and one can even recognize specific patterns across different companies.

Therefore, we originally illustrated our “Innovation Village Characters” illustration series inspired by these experiences with Katrina Günther to humorously satirize the sometimes tricky and often frustrating (transformation) topics with our customers in presentations, workshops, and consulting situations. Doing so takes the pressure off; you laugh together, feel caught out yourself or your colleagues, and, knowing that it is an over-dramatization, you can look for ways to escape your own (corporate innovation) caricature more easily.

We plan to make the characters and their descriptions available to the public via a CC license soon. You can then use them in your own presentations or the like. If you are interested, feel free to sign up for our newsletter below. And don’t worry: we rarely write, and only professionally relevant content if we do.

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