
We follow a very basic formula here: creativity + implementation = innovation. In non-commercial environments, this would be an idea that creates value because it got implemented. In commercial environments, it would be the introduction of something new to the market, or if you will, an invention that is commercialized. [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation Barrier

Innovation barriers are organization-specific obstacles that internal innovators or intrapreneurs will run into when trying to push their idea or venture to implementation or market.  [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation Capability

The skills and knowledge required to bring innovation forward through the stages of discovery, incubation and acceleration, while managing their interfaces with the core organization with as little unproductive friction as possible. [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation Ecosystem

This term is often used synonymously for ‘innovation system’ and can mean many different things at different levels. For more information, refer to the levels of an ‘ecosystem’. [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation Fatigue

A phenomenon occurring with managers who have already tried different approaches or management ideas to innovation that didn’t produce the desired results. That experience makes them hesitant to try ‘new approaches’. [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation Management

How an organization organizes for, allocates resources, supports and leads teams, and decides along the pathway from the initial inception of a business opportunity or idea until it has become a fully-fledged product, service, or business model so that it eventually will find a »happy home« in or outside the organization. [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation Practice

The customary, habitual, or ‘expected’ procedure or way of doing innovation in an organization. Often driven by underlying management ideas, beliefs, or method(ologie)s. [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation Strategy

The set of interrelated choices an organization makes on how to use innovation to win in the market. [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation System

An innovation system, as understood at a company-level, designates the infrastructures for finding, developing, evaluating, and implementing new ideas and business models within an organization. It is the organization’s ‘operating system’ for innovation. [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation System Design

The application of design and lean innovation thinking and proven change management approaches to the design of interventions to create a sustainable innovation system. [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation Theater

Any episodic, PR-guided, or underfunded ‘innovation work’ which is staged to show people (investors, talent, general public) that innovation is happening, even though no tangible outcomes can be expected. [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation Thesis

A broad statement about where we are as a business (purpose and maturity), where we think the world is going (business environment), what sorts of ideas we think will succeed in that world (trends) and how we are going to use innovation to respond. [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation Tourist

Low-performing (read: not intrinsically motivated) people from the core organization who are sent by their superiors into labs or innovation programs for several months, just ‘to get rid of them’ for a while. [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation Vehicle

An entity or program in an organization's innovation support infrastructure — the innovation (management) system — which removes innovation barriers and helps innovation teams get certain jobs done. The jobs of the vehicles are often related to a certain phase in a product, service, or technology innovation life cycle. [ » weiterlesen ]

Innovation Zoo

A situation where resources are spread too thinly across too many ideas and there is not enough commitment to really double-down on investment in selecting the most promising options. [ » weiterlesen ]


The act of behaving like/running a business like an entrepreneur while working within a large organization. [ » weiterlesen ]


According to U.S. Patent Law an invention is “a new, useful process, machine, improvement, etc., that did not exist previously and that is recognized as the product of some unique intuition or genius, as distinguished from ordinary mechanical skill or craftsmanship.” [ » weiterlesen ]